Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dirt Squirrel! Mustachioed! Mr Mustachio March ¡El Bigote! Mouth Merkin! Snot Mop!

The Mustache! The most bizarre and coveted trophy amongst the facial hair aficionados! Growing a nose neighbor takes mastery of time and patients that only monks themselves possess. Sporting a respectable cookie duster takes the Cojones of a bull fighter. In honor of March and Mustaches the world over, I will be celebrating with some of my favorites and some of the most famous Snot Mops (I know). Here's the deal Hefe, the plan is to do one famous dirt squirrel a day for everyday of March. I will try to keep an element of mystery to each mouth brow so join in and try to guess the famous mustache if you wish, its not going to be hard folks!


space and time should be considered together and in relation to my stache!


quote the stache nevermore!


I'm kind of a big deal! keep it classy!

 MARCH 1st

alright all you maniacs! fight for what's right, fight for your life!